Protect Your Vehicle
Protect Your Family

The control is in your hands!

Full access via internet 24/7 puts you in control of all the commands available.

  • Locate by internet in real time.
  • Activate and deactivate any function.
  • High Quality mapping
Limited Lifetime warranty.

Family safety.

Perfect GPS system for monitoring teen drivers or other family member that you care about. There’s no more uncertainty about the whereabouts of your loved ones around town or on a road trip. Now you can accompany your loved ones every step of the way on a long solo trip. There is no need for a “call me when you get there” when a loved one is on the move specially for those college bound teens. In addition the SuretrackGPS will help locate your vehicle in case it is stolen.

Teen Safety features:

  • Curfew monitoring
  • Destination Reporting
  • Speed monitoring
  • Electronic Geofence
  • Low Battery Report
  • Starter interupt
  • Full control of safety system via cell phone.